Zhejun Zhang


I am a research intern at the NVIDIA Autonomous Vehicle Research Group (AVG) led by Prof. Marco Pavone. I’m also a PhD student advised by Prof. Luc Van Gool at the Computer Vision Lab (CVL) of ETH Zurich. My PhD project is funded by Toyota Research on Automated Cars in Europe (TRACE, TRACE Zurich). Before joining CVL I received my B.Sc. degree from TU Munich and my M.Sc. degree from ETH Zurich, both in the department of information technology and electrical engineering with a focus on control and system theory. As master thesis topic I worked on vision-based control and considered that as my research interest since then.

My current research interests include imitation learning, reinforcement learning, world models, Transformers, and their applications to autonomous driving and robotics. In particular, I’m working on the problem of planning in highly interactive driving scenarios from a data-driven perspective by combining end-to-end policy learning and neural simulation.

selected publications

  1. TrafficBots V1.5: Traffic Simulation via Conditional VAEs and Transformers with Relative Pose Encoding
    Zhejun ZhangChristos Sakaridis, and Luc Van Gool
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.10898 2024
  2. Real-Time Motion Prediction via Heterogeneous Polyline Transformer with Relative Pose Encoding
    Zhejun ZhangAlexander LinigerChristos Sakaridis, Fisher Yu, and Luc Van Gool
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2024
  3. TrafficBots: Towards World Models for Autonomous Driving Simulation and Motion Prediction
    Zhejun ZhangAlexander LinigerDengxin Dai, Fisher Yu, and Luc Van Gool
    In International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2023
  4. A Multiplicative Value Function for Safe and Efficient Reinforcement Learning
    Nick BührerZhejun ZhangAlexander Liniger, Fisher Yu, and Luc Van Gool
    In International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2023
  5. End-to-End Urban Driving by Imitating a Reinforcement Learning Coach
    Zhejun ZhangAlexander LinigerDengxin Dai, Fisher Yu, and Luc Van Gool
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2021